P7 Transition Trip, Mallaig

Tara and Miss B had a great time in Mallaig for a P7 transition trip. This was an opportunity for Tara to meet some of the other P7 pupils she will be at High School with, and to stay at the High School Residence, and get to know some of the staff and pupils.

Tara spent Tuesday in Mallaig Primary, taking part in PE with the Arisaig P5-7s and then doing a lesson with the Mallaig P7s. Later in the afternoon she had a swimming lesson at the pool, and enjoyed some time relaxing in the sauna! It was lovely to catch up with Hugh and Willow in the Hostel.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make this trip possible.


  1. twynog1 says:

    Hello – this is a message for Emily.

    I’m hoping to spend 10 days or so on Muck in April with the intention of doing a proper bird survey, and would appreciate your advice!

    Dick Turner (friend of Dez and Rosie) ________________________________

    1. Hi Dick,
      I’ve passed this message on to Emily.
      All the best,

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